These 5 green crypto projects are worth checking out in 2022

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These 5 green crypto projects are worth checking out in 2022

In this article, we will tell you about 5 green crypto projects that are worth checking out in 2022.

Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin have the potential to change the world. For this very reason, they are widely appreciated and widely used by software developers who want to adopt new technologies and reduce the environmental impact of their products. However, the actual mining that produces these virtual currencies is extremely energy intensive and therefore can cause significant greenhouse gas emissions worldwide.

The cryptocurrency mining process, which consumes large amounts of energy and poses a threat to the environment, is causing concern among many governments and corporations. Green cryptocurrencies, such as solar energy, could play a significant role in mining operations.

The concept of green crypto seems oxymoronic to the average person, doesn’t it?

When we tell people that we want to be a green blockchain with a purpose, they’re accustomed to looking at us sideways. As an environmental action company, we need to be a green blockchain with a purpose.

By tokenizing carbon offset credits achieved through land remediation and restoring abandoned fossil fuel impacted land, the Land Betterment Exchange (LBX) is trying to do just that.

In the process, we created a win-win scenario for all parties involved: the environment, corporations looking to meet carbon pledges, displaced workers, and corporations.

However, we don’t fool ourselves into thinking we are the only purposeful blockchain. In any case, we wouldn’t want to be alone when you are trying to fix the world, you want as many people around as possible to help you.

5 Green crypto projects for 2022

Listed below are five of our favorite green crypto solutions that aim to improve the world in their own way.

1. Hedera Hashgraph – Best green crypto

In collaboration with Google Cloud, Arkhia is accelerating the development of distributed ledger applications using Hedera

With Hedera, you can rely on its revolutionary hashgraph consensus (// for faster, cheaper transactions at a fraction of the energy costs typically associated with blockchain.

A hedera hashgraph is a rapid, fair, stable, and secure platform built around two key innovations—gossip about gossip” and “virtual voting”. On average, .00017 KWH is used per transaction, compared to 102 KWH for Ethereal and 885 KWH for Bitcoin.

That last part again—.00017KWH per transaction vs. 885KWH. Fractions can be divided into fractions of fractions (of fractions).

Hedera, however, does not suffer from this energy efficiency. As a matter of fact, it averages 10,000 transactions per second, compared to Bitcoin’s 3, with an average fee of $.0001 per transaction, compared to Bitcoin’s $22.57.

It’s not just Hedera that’s making blockchain more democratic and accessible, but it’s also making it more sustainable and scalable. To create centralized apps and protocols, developers can mint and manage fungible and non-fungible tokens, record verifiable event logs for any app or permission framework, and deploy smart contracts in popular languages.

2. Cardano

Similarly, Cardano reduces the financial and energy costs associated with blockchain technology.

A peer-reviewed protocol based on behavioral psychology, economics, and mathematically-verified mechanisms, It is built on top of the ouroboros. The Cardano team claims that ouroboros is the world’s first provably secure proof-of-stake protocol and is up to 4 million times more energy efficient than Bitcoin.

It’s not just about how it’s done, but about who it’s for.

The Cardano blockchain offers tools and technologies that can foster positive global change and are built to endure, making it a blockchain of choice for changemakers, innovators, and visionaries. According to the website, it is the infrastructure of the future.

These technologies can be used to solve real-world problems, including verifying an item’s province, chain of custody, and safety, in areas such as education, agriculture, government, finance, and health care.

3. Stellar

In addition to its faster, cheaper, and more energy-efficient transactions, Stellar is also a more sustainable and scalable version of blockchain than Hedera and Cardano.

There is, however, another primary difference between Stellar and other blockchain solutions: In contrast to other blockchain solutions that have been developed to undermine or replace existing financial systems, Stellar is a decentralized system that facilitates transparent currency trading to enhance existing global financial systems. There is no restriction on what currencies can be traded on the Stellar network, it is open to all currencies.

Over 2 billion transactions have already been processed by Stellar, which launched in 2014 and has been used by small companies as well as large enterprises to build global payment apps, asset exchanges, and micropayments.

The technology basically makes money borderless and is especially useful for international remittances and payments, and end-users experience it just like cash.

Any type of currency can be purchased and exchanged using Stellar from anywhere in the world. Vibrant, a company based in Argentina, allows Argentines experiencing inflation to easily and quickly purchase and hold USDC.

Every day people can use these tools to simplify their lives, and developers can use them to create the next generation of global financial networks.


IOTA‘s name should tell you everything you need to know about its blockchain solution – it’s designed for low-power devices (IOT=Internet of Things) to operate. At its core, IOTA is a network of trust that allows humans and machines to exchange value and data.

It can be thought of as a frictionless system for transferring data and value via IOTA’s Tangle network (// In addition to allowing cars to pay for their own electronic charging and carwashes, it can help governments and other entities manage natural resources and establish more transparent public services.

The best part is that there are no blocks and no mining involved. As soon as a user sends an IOTA transaction, two other transactions are validated as well, making the platform more scalable and cheaper than traditional blockchains.

5. Algorand

From top to bottom, Algorand was designed with the environment in mind.

Algorand is not only more energy-efficient than typical blockchains but is also committed to reducing its (minuscule) carbon footprint through carbon offsets – something close to our hearts.

Through partnerships with sustainability organizations, Algorand strives to deliver blockchain technology that is environmentally friendly. A number of companies have developed technologies on top of the Algorand platform, including Global Carbon Holding, ClimateTrade, and PlanetWatch.

A network of inexpensive air quality sensors built by PlanetWatch, for example, lets you validate, filter, and display real-time data on the quality of the air.

From their lips to our hearts and (hopefully) God’s ears, Algorand’s mission is none other than “ensuring that the next generation of blockchain adoption is environmentally friendly.”


Blockchain technologies have generated vast amounts of wealth for individuals over the last decade or so. It is not our intention to begrudge anyone their earnings. However, blockchain also has the potential to tangibly improve society, the economy, and the environment when used for the right purposes with the right technology.

The LBX’s mission is to accelerate environmental improvement and action by finding novel ways to do so. Because of this, LBX carbon credits are exclusively based on land remediation, not simply preservation. For LBX, it wasn’t enough to simply put the existing, often meaningless carbon offset system onto the blockchain, it had to be connected to tangible environmental improvements.

Everybody can say they want to make the world a better place, but they have to look in the mirror every night to know whether it is true. It’s true for us at LBX, and we’re glad these 5 Green Blockchain projects can also confirm it.

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